Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions: Welcome to the Fishbowl

I have settled into a new community, and for the past 6 months have readjusted to this tiny pueblo, and while finding my place here, have had to finish sorting through my own baggage. There are afew small bags left, but they are carefully packed and by the door. I try not to trip over them. I have found sweet acceptance here, new people, renewed old aquaintences, strengthened some, loosened others. It is all shifting sand, so close to the water.I find myself of course surrounded by mostly gringos and expats, and being fresh meat, a new interest to some with the need to fix and have a place for everything. Being someone who never cared for fitting in, it has been a strange dance. Welcome to the Fishbowl, having managed to cause afew feeding frenzies.... Being single is still something I have not aligned myself to. And I stick out here, to both the Gringos, and Dominicans. Wives eye me warily and dominicans , even more than gringos, think it is just plain wrong, want to fix this 'problem' right away. There have been several friendly gentlemen and old codgers who have presented themselves as potential suitors, from farmers to fishermen to the local married taxi driver. My choices are less limited than I complain of! And the big eyes of the Fishbowl are upon me, my house is watched and guests duly noted. The holiday season , with dinners, parties, and visiting family made it quite a page turner here on the hill. It's more than a small town atmosphere here: it may be the prominence of temerity and audacity, among the flotsam and jetsom of the human remains that fuels the bigger fish. I have painted myself as the Beta and maybe I should try sticking to my New Years Resolutions better, here on Day #4 of 2015. #1: Be in the Moment, #2: Keep the fish on a Need to Know basis... So swim here I must, and ignore the well-intended and not so well intended, and as I pass a tasty bit, I may partake for the moment is all I have. The tomorrows in the Fishbowl are of my own making.