Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Knowing and Thinking

I have been exposed to negative comments about Dominicans recently, some well justified, some casual statements to ventilate . Human nature seems to thrive on a caste system where there is an inferior section that receives the blame for the social ills and undesirable behaviors. We expats are quick to pass judgement. It started me thinking about the way Dominicans approach a given situation and it is about the difference between thinking and knowing. Dominicans know a great deal, they instinctly know how to provide for their families, make a meal from 50 pesos, how to obtain the 50 pesos, how to swing a machete, where to go to find whatever they need. They know what plants to make a tea from, where to find a nest of eggs, how to fix most anything... They may not think about tomorrow, or to save for tomorrow, or what tomorrow may bring. This is a blessing, what so many of us strive for here, to not think, worry, or plan ahead. It frees you to be in the moment, a particular goal of mine. My allegory is a sweet reminder of the simplicity here. When I had cows, I was amazed at their capacity to follow a routine. They knew where to go, for feed, milking, grazing, and when to go, they knew who threw rocks to herd them, who was a gentle milker, when they could be with their offspring...and there was on cow in particular that was different, Mantequila. She was unusually friendly, loved to be pet and rubbed, and had a penchant for tasty things. Like other peoples gardens, papaya trees, passionfruit vines, avocados....things not normally found in the pastures where the herd grazed. She was always getting out, always finding a way through the barbed wire while her mates were content with what they knew, She was always thinking. She often was alone in her trecks, usually caught in the act of denuding a tree or garden. Short of tying her to a fencepost, she could not be trusted to remain in a given enclosure. She was sold because she could think. It was a sad day for me. I do not intend to equate a cows capacity to a Dominicans. It is more a simplified way of living, with more happiness and less stress.

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